Pure essential oils are, essentially, mother nature’s gift, and extremely effective for managing sleep, mood and energy levels.
Not to be sniffed at, the right combination of ingredients
As heroed in this immunity pure essential oil.
Can also work as a force field of sorts against seasonal bugs and allergies, playing back-up to your body’s inner defence system.
It’s no secret that quality sleep and self-care are Vital in winter months, when your immune system can be more susceptible to cold and flu viruses, particularly if ‘comfort eating’ goes up and outdoor exercise hits the skids.
Who hasn’t been there?
Don’t stress – Guilt-free support is at hand in this 100% natural blend that pulls no punches, combining the power of seven essential oils:
- Clove bud (famed for antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic and antiviral properties).
- Cinnamon bark (one of the world’s oldest essential oils and natural antioxidants, dating back to 1550 bc).
- Eucalyptus (a powerful anti-inflammatory extracted from mother nature’s ‘fever tree’ to help clear airways and promote healthy breathing).
- Peppermint (versatile and potent – Cools and clears the head, and supports good respiratory function).
- Lemon (purifying in every way).
- Rosemary (deliciously soothing with analgesic and expectorant properties); and.
- Frankincense (dubbed ‘the king of oils’ – A broad spectrum anti-inflammatory hailed since ancient times for increasing white blood cell activity to help fight infection).
Five ways to use our essential oil blends:
- Diffuse – Rebalance your mood and energy levels throughout the day bathe
- Add a few drops to your bath to relax the mind & body before bed laundry
- Add a few drops to your machine when washing your sheets inhale
- Rub a few drops in your and for instant support topically
- Apply to pulse points when you are on the go using our essential oil roll ons
Store below 30C in a dry place away from sunlight.
Responsible use of essential oils.
Keep out of reach of children.
Use only as directed
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